Looking for ways to tie money and personal finance into engaging STEAM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) content for girls? Look no further!
In this webinar recording, we answer a variety of STEAM-related money questions including: Which is bigger – a penny or a dime? How is our money like animals in nature? Why doesn’t a dollar bill dissolve when it goes through the washing machine? In addition to this content, you will discover free elementary-focused, ready-to-use resources for teaching financial literacy concepts – and, many of the resources have cross-curricular connections focusing on language arts, math, and social studies.
The Focus on Finance for Engaging Elementary-Aged Girls webinar was hosted by NGCP on May 16, 2024.
Jackie Morgan
Outreach Senior Adviser at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta – Nashville Branch
Jackie is an established communicator and proven leader in economic and financial education strategy, policy, development, and training. A sought-after professional for her financial education expertise, Morgan trains educators, develops curriculum, writes articles, serves on advisory boards, and conducts outreach programs. She has served on the Tennessee Girls Collaborative Champions Board and is a past president of the Tennessee Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy, which was recognized by National Jump$tart as the State Coalition of the Year under her leadership.
The Tennessee Girls Collaborative connects, advocates and amplifies efforts to ignite enthusiasm and equitably advance STEM opportunities for
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