Connect + Create + Collaborate = STEM Transformation. NGCP takes our mission to heart, gathering input, feedback, and guidance from a wide range of advocates for transformative change in our efforts to advance the agenda in gender equity.
Board of Directors
These committed volunteers provide strategy and generative thinking to NGCP, along with championing our vision of STEM experiences as diverse as the world we live in.
Champions Board
This prestigious group of professionals — that includes educators, nonprofits, and leaders in industry and policy — connects NGCP on a national level to opportunities.
Youth Advisory Board
Corporate Leadership Council
These corporate leaders advise NGCP, provide opportunities for programs in the NGCP network to connect with local businesses, and engage adult volunteers as STEM role models.

Incorporating the Youth Voice
In this webinar recording, Youth Advisory Board members explain how they support NGCP and answer questions about their experiences and involvement.