A Million Miles Away

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From an early age, José Hernandez looked up at the stars and dreamed of becoming an astronaut and going to space. The film A Million Miles Away (rated PG) follows the story of José Hernandez, the first migrant farmworker to travel to space. It tells a tale of perseverance, community, and sacrifice to accomplish a seemingly impossible dream. Appropriate for ages 8+, this is a film that is sure to spark conversations around themes of equality, exploration, and reaching for our wildest dreams.  

For many of us, much like José, looking up to the stars in the night sky inspires our curiosity, our sense of adventure, and our quest for answers about the unknown. Space also ignites our imaginations, and provides a powerful lens to explore science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) concepts and ideas. The National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) has developed an Educational Viewing Guide to accompany the film A Million Miles Away to support families, educators, and youth themselves to explore a range of STEM concepts and ideas related to space while also taking time to reflect on their own dreams and future aspirations. In the guide you will find: 

  • Discussion questions designed for elementary, middle, and high school audiences after they have viewed the film 

  • Hands-On activities designed for elementary, middle, and high school learners to complete before or after viewing the film. 

  • Resources for families, youth, and educators to continue exploring space related STEM concepts, projects, and careers.  

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