Resources for Underserved Youth

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NGCP curated this listing of high-quality resources to help your programs and communities support underserved youth.

Alaska Native Knowledge Network
This network provides resources for compiling and exchanging information on Alaska Native systems and ways of knowing.

American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)
AISES works to promote, initiate, and provide services for American Indian and Alaska Native pre-college, college, and graduate level students in STEM.

Black Girls Code
A San Francisco bay area organization dedicated to increasing the numbers of young women of color in the field of digital and computer technology by providing free camps, workshops, role models and other opportunities including a blog written by girl participants of all ages.

Blacks in Technology (BIT)
BIT is a community-based website that is geared towards building and establishing a community that focuses on bringing blacks together within technology related fields.

¡Excelencia! in Education
Provides data-driven analysis of the educational status of Latino students and promotes education policies and institutional practices that support their academic achievement.

Financial Aid Guide for Minority Students
This resource for minority students explains all of the financial aid opportunities available and covers some of the most common programs offered.

Indigenous Education Institute (IEI)
The Indigenous Education Institute (IEI) was created for the preservation and contemporary application of traditional Indigenous knowledge.

Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) USA Program
A federally and locally funded MESA partnership of nine states (AZ, CA, CO, MD, NM, OR, PA, UT, and WA) that have joined together to support disadvantaged and underrepresented students to achieve academically in math, science and engineering and go on to attain math-based degrees.

National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering Middle and High School Resources
NACME resources to help middle and high school students learn about engineering, including a guide to engineering colleges, magazines, and promotional materials such as brochures and posters. Resources are also available in Spanish.

The National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
NSBE is a non-profit association that is owned and managed by its members. The organization is dedicated to the academic and professional success of African-American engineering students and professionals.

Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
SACNAS is a society of scientists dedicated to fostering the success of Hispanic/Chicano and Native American scientists—from college students to professionals—to attain advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in science.

Upward Bound Math and Science Program
This is a Federal TRIO program based at universities nationwide that helps to prepare low-income, first generation high school students for postsecondary education programs that lead to careers in the fields of math and science.

Viva Technology™
A program designed to engage inner-city and rural K-12 students, teachers and parents in activities that stimulate their interest and academic achievement in STEM subjects.

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