Olivia Pavco-Giaccia has been involved with NGCP since she was a teen. After Olivia found NGCP with an online search and connected with the organization, Karen Peterson invited her to be a student panelist at an event in Washington, DC. “"She was the star of that panel," Karen recalled. "All of the girls were amazing, but she stood out. She was very poised and articulate."
In the years since that panel, Olivia has been actively involved in NGCP. She founded our Youth Advisory Board (previously Girls Advisory Board), served as our director of engagement and innovation between college and graduate school, and is currently a member of our Champions Board.

During her first year as an MBA student at the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business, Olivia was selected as the Goodwin/Hardie Family Jefferson Fellow. In a profile feature written after the award, Olivia credits NGCP for her inspiring her: "It’s shaped me significantly in terms of who I am and the causes that I care about."
See the full UVA Today feature to learn more about Olivia's pursuits and acknowledgements, which include being the youngest-ever fellow in Yale’s Entrepreneurial Institute and being recognized as a "Science Super Hero" by Discovery.