All funded mini-grants are required to participate in NGCP evaluation activities. Project directors will be contacted by the project evaluators via e-mail in the month of their estimated date of completion of the funded project. The e-mail will include directions and a link to an online reporting form used by the evaluation team to collect data on recipients experiences with mini-grant projects. The data will be used to gauge the impact of NGCP mini-grants nationwide and help the NGCP Leadership Team make improvements to the mini-grant process.
The online form asks program directors to report on the following:
- Basic project facts including: area of STEM focus, frequency of meetings with participants, program duration, number of staff and volunteers involved.
- Basic participant information and demographics including: number of participants, ethnicity and grade level of participants.
- Collaboration activities including the value of the collaboration to the mini-grant project.
- Reflection on overall effectiveness and success of the project including the use of NGCP exemplary practices.
Links to Resources
A copy of the Mini-Grant Reporting Form is available to view the evaluation questions that will be asked upon project completion.
In the NGCP Brand Guide, the Guidelines for Grantees and Partners section provides information about using the NGCP or local Collaborative logo.