Do you know a high school girl with a passion for solving problems and who is willing to use her ingenuity and engineering design skills to inspire younger students? Encourage her to apply to become an EngineerGirl Ambassador and make a difference in her community during the 2022-23 school year.
An EngineerGirl Ambassador is a female, U.S. high school student who designs, develops, and implements a project in her local community that will encourage younger girls — particularly those with little access to engineering role models — to think about engineering and engineering careers and give them practical experience in engineering design.
Ambassadors will receive training and support from the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) through the EngineerGirl website.
Become an EngineerGirl Ambassador
The deadline for submitting application for the 2022-23 school year is March 15, 2022.
EngineerGirl Ambassadors: Empowering High-Schoolers and Inspiring Young Girls
In this webinar recording, an EngineerGirl ambassador and her sponsor share their experiences with the program.