Brite 2024 Application Now Open

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Closing Date December 15, 2023 Status

BRITE Girls Online STEM Practices: Building Relevance and Identity to Transform Experiences is a Research in Service to Practice National Science Foundation Grant led by Florida State University, in partnership with NGCP and Smart Girls HQ. The project examines the STEM identity development of girls via the implementation of an online learning community. 

NGCP is recruiting girl-serving informal science education programs to participate in Year 2 of the project. The Brite Program provides an online suite of activities centered on collaborative learning and engagement with diverse women role models for self-identifying girls ages 13-16.  


Brite is an online, interdisciplinary science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) program built for girls ages 13-16 offered by Florida State University, in partnership with National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) and Smart Girls HQ, through funding from the National Science Foundation. Brite provides a high-quality, online suite of activities centered on collaborative learning and engagement with diverse women role models. A customized online platform has been developed for BRITE, which can be accessed through a 1:1 device, serving as a launching pad for girls to participate in individual, small group, and community-wide activities. 

The research component of the project aims to determine how three core approaches to STEM identity development (community-building, hands-on activities, role models), as implemented through the Brite Online Learning Community, influence girls’ STEM identity.

Informal STEM education programs serving self-identifying girls from historically excluded groups, including Black, Latina, and Native American/Indigenous. Individuals may not apply. 

Benefits for Participating Programs 

  • Access to the Brite Educator Guide, which details the day-to-day schedule, guidance on facilitation and instructions for activities and small group discussions. 
  • Access to the Brite Online Platform, a launching pad for girls to engage with peers and Brite Role Models.  
  • Training and resources to support educators/program staff in using the Brite Educator Guide and the Brite Online Platform to support and facilitate Brite for your program participants.  
  • Training related to gender equity in STEM and the research lenses that inform the project.   
  • Technology support for girls with barriers to access to support their full participation.  
  • Supplies for hands-on activities and digital projects will be distributed to programs.  
  • $2,000 stipend to support staff time and other acceptable program needs.  


  • To recruit a minimum of 10 self-identifying girl participants, ages 13 –16, with the majority of participants from historically excluded groups.   
  • To host and facilitate three weeks (Monday-Thursday) of the Brite Program for a minimum of 10 self-identifying girl participants from July 15-August 1, 2024 (Monday-Thursday, three hours each day).  
  • Communicate and ensure caregiver/parent permission for girls’ participation in the research study is secured before registration. 
  • Communicate and ensure girl assent forms for participation in the research study are secured before registration.  
  • Ensure one staff member or volunteer attends all Brite educator trainings and related meetings. Dates: February 9, May 3, May 10, May 17, June 7, and July 12, 2024.  
  • Coordinate the registration of participants, including providing relevant participant contact information to the Brite team.  
  • To provide educator/staff contact information to the Brite team. 
  • To manage the day-to-day operations and logistics for implementation of the Brite Program for girls in your group.  
  • To ensure adequate bandwidth and communications abilities to host the Brite program, including access to email, G-suite, or similar applications. 
  • To provide and allow participant access to a 1 to 1 technology device. 
  • Provide and allow participant access to the online Brite platform provided by the Brite team.   
  • Provide and allow participant access to social media groups curated by the Brite team. 
  • Facilitate and ensure completion of pre-program survey to all participants.  
  • Facilitate and ensure completion of the post-program survey at the end of each week from all participants (3 post-program surveys, 1 for each week).  
  • Distribute and ensure completion of follow-up survey 6-12 months after the Brite program dates to all participants. 
  • Ensure participant participation in interviews and/or focus groups as requested by the research team.  
  • Distribute and ensure educator/staff participation in pre- and post-program surveys, including interviews and/or focus groups, as requested by the evaluation team. 
  • Participate in sharing photos and videos as requested. Obtain media releases. 
  • Foster communication and connections between your participants and participants from other programs in the Brite Online Learning Community.  
  • If invited, ensure participation of educators/staff in potential NGCP national webinars focused on sharing findings and stories related to the Brite program.   
  • Upon request, provide timely feedback on the overall project – BRITE Girls Online STEM Practices: Building Relevance and Identity to Transform Experiences activities, processes, and support. 

BRITE Girls Online STEM Practices: Building Relevance and Identity to Transform Experiences (Award Number: 2215138)

Programs and Initiatives

This interdisciplinary summer STEM program for girls 13-16 provides a high-quality, online suite of activities centered on collaborative learning with female role models.
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