NGCP supports gender equity in STEM worldwide through the Global Girls Collaborative. To help organizations and girl-serving programs, we provide resources on engaging girls in STEM, collaboration, and evaluation and assessment. NGCP also publishes the quarterly Global Girls Newsletter, with details about international STEM events, resources, and news.
You can follow the Global Girls Collaborative on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
Find and view past issues of the Global Girls Collaborative e-newsletter below.
- June 2024: International Women in Engineering Day, Girl Genius, Global Women in STEM Leadership Summit
- October 2023: International Day of the Girl, Girls for Climate Action, TechGirls Exchange
- June 2023: Celebrating 10 years of International Women in Engineering Day, Girls in Computer Science in Brazil, Global Women in STEM Leadership Summit
- March 2023: International Women's Day, The Commission on the Status of Women and Futuristas' Feminist Guidance, Gulan Gawdan's Journey as a CEE Fellow
- October 2022: International Day of the Girl, Meet NGCP's Community Engagement Exchange Fellow, Spotlight: What Would Happen If Girls Supported Girls?
- June 2022: International Women in Engineering Day, Spotlight: Ukrainian STEM Program Supporting Girls
- March 2022: International Women's Day #BreakTheBias call to action, Spotlight: {reprograma}
- October 2021: International Day of the Girl resources, Spotlight: Role Models, Mentors, and Sponsors — What's in a Name?
- June 2021: International Women in Engineering Day resources, Spotlight: Women, STEM, and COVID-19
- March 2021: Gender Scan research and 2021 survey
- February 2021: International Day of Women and Girls in Science resources, Spotlight: The Year of Nature,
- October 2020: International Day of the Girl resources, Spotlight: She Speaks Science
- March 2020: E-newsletter launch, International Women's Day, Women and Girls STEMming the Tide of Waste
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Global Girls Collaborative Newsletter
Stay informed about international STEM events, resources, and news with this quarterly newsletter.
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